How it Works
Submit your chemical inventory to us by product name and manufacturer
We create an electronic SDS log specific to your funeral home's current inventory on (secure access)
We maintain the most current version of SDS for your products so you don't have to.
We maintain an archive of previously-used products that have been used by the funeral home and that have been a part of previous inventories we maintain
Discontinue use of your hard copy SDS log containing your current SDSs (archive your old SDS not in use as required by OSHA).
Utilize our labels and signs near the prep room as quick reminders on how employees are to access SDS via
When needed, employees go to, login, and select site-specific SDS to reference or print
You send us information on new embalming products you begin using and we incorporate into your electronic SDS log
Call us directly 24/7 if you need information from an SDS and cannot access due to an emergency resulting in loss of internet connectivity